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VR15 - For better Vinyl removing

The VR15 is a groundbreaking tool to greatly speed up the process of vinyl stripping. “An extra pair of hands”. Anything you normally weed by hand will be easier, quicker and more efficien with the VR15

These are a few important factors that will effect how well your vinyl vil strip.

The quality of the vinyl: when you consider the high cost of labor in vinyl stripping, it’s well woth the extra cost to purchase a high quality name brand vinyl. The age of the vinyl will become brittle. Also, always strip the vinyl soon after it is cut… in warm weather the adheasive may tend to rejoin.

Cutting blade condition is important, as is your plotter cutting pressure, the quality of the plotter, cutting software, speed of cut, and often overlooked, the vondition og the plotters “cutting strip”. Let it be noted however, that whatever the above conditions, the VR15 will be a great improvement over stripping vinyl by hand.

The direction in which you begin can be a factor, as letters work best to strip from right to left, and numbers from left to rigth.

Small letters or images is best stripped by using a high quality cast (high performance) vinyl.

[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-clock-o” icon_size=”28″ icon_color=”#feca18″ title=”Save valuable time” pos=”left” title_font_color=”#0e0e0e”]Your Vinyl Remover save you op to 70 % of the time you would have spent stripping vinyl by hand[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-leaf” icon_size=”28″ icon_color=”#feca18″ title=”Handling waste” pos=”left” title_font_color=”#0e0e0e”]Extremely simple handling and reduce
your weeding waste  by using the
VR15 machine.[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-play-circle-o” icon_size=”28″ icon_color=”#feca18″ title=”Plug n’ ‘Play'” pos=”left” title_font_color=”#0e0e0e”]Spent 1 hour of installation and you will be able to use your VR15 machine in your daily operations.[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-medkit” icon_size=”28″ icon_color=”#feca18″ title=”Ergonomic” pos=”left” title_font_color=”#0e0e0e”]The VR15 secures you and your employees better working positions that reduce pain and sick days[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-cogs gears” icon_size=”28″ icon_color=”#feca18″ title=”Easy to adjust” pos=”left” title_font_color=”#0e0e0e”]Adjust your VR15 machine easily
to fit your needs for each of your
vinyl removing projects.[/bsf-info-box]
[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-tint” icon_size=”28″ icon_color=”#feca18″ title=”Easy to clean” pos=”left” title_font_color=”#0e0e0e”]Simply just remove the front bar,
use your regular cleaner and
restore the front bar again.[/bsf-info-box]
VR15 VinylRemover

Vinyl Remover VR15 is a time saving invention, that can help signmakers and others remove vinyl or peel excess sticker material with ease.

Signhacks - Vinyl Remover VR15

Transfer Weeder TW17 is a time saving invention, that can help t-shirt makers, transfer users and others remove excess transfer material with ease.

Signhacks - TW17 transferweeder product

Save time and reduce waste with the Vinyl Remover